““Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the LORD…”
Isa 66:9a (NIV)
A friend of mine once said that expectation is the preparation for a manifestation. How true is this word to you? Can you link this word with any situation in your life right now? The world is under several shakings, the masses are panicking, and it seems the world economy is undergoing a complete overhaul without hope of things getting better. This depicts the picture of a woman in labor; cranky, highly panicking and losing every fiber of hope as all attempts to push have proven abortive. Let it be known that God doesn’t take any glory in the death of your vision, but prides when your manifestation comes to limelight. As God tarries in the kitchen cooking your answers, let’s see the www with which you can connect to your answers:
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ork. Eccl 9:10 & 11:4-6, says you should get busy doing something. Don’t wait till the condition gets better, you can make the best of whatever your hands finds to do now. Someone once said, you don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great. Do something with your life now.
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ait. Ps 27:14 & Job 14:14, says, wait. A baby is not born the moment after conception; it takes a process. Faith is the anchor of this process. Faith empowers your guts to keep on. During one of his sermons Dr. I. V. Hilliard said, “The faith fight is part of the process, when I get turned down the fight is on” You cannot possess without a process otherwise you will be unfit for the possession. The nations are in labor, the world economy is under attack, but God says wait, the delivery is near.
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ords. Job 6:25, says, how forcible are right words? Your word is the final factor that will launch your delivery forcefully. No woman delivers her baby without a force. The force of your words dictates the urgency of your need. Rev George Adegboye said, “The words of your mouth are what you give God as capital to do business with your life”. This is the time you cannot afford to joke with your life, don’t join them trade words of defeat. In the heat of your troubles is not the time for negotiation, it is the time for proclamation. The words you speak will create the world you will see. When the pressure is high, know it is time to increase your proclamation because your miracle is near. Your proclamation is your affirmation for your acclamation.
God is about to answer you! Don't give up, be optimistic! Work, Wait and speak to force your good news. God will not bring to the moment of birth without a plan for delivery. The results you expect are already in the labor room, don’t give up for your night is changing into day in Jesus mighty name. Say with me here comes my good news.
God bless you.